Wednesday 19 February 2014

How to use SetCPU to save battery (After rooting)

SetCPU is a powerful app for controlling CPU frequencies to gain maximum performance when you use your Android device and low energy consumption when you do not use the device.

* Let us assume that you have installed the SetCPU app on your Android already.

Setting it up...

I would keep this simple and to the point

* Open SetCPU
* Go to Profiles Tab and create a new profile by clicking on the '+' Sign.
* Click on the '+' Sign in front of "Turn this profile on when..."
* From the events, choose "Screen On/Off" and finally choose "Screen Off".

Hit Next>  and 
* Check "Set the CPU speed".
* Set Max frequency around 800 and Min frequency to (or close to) the lowest.
* Do rest of the settings shown in the screenshot below.

 Hit Next>

* Name the profile "Powersave"
* Priority can be left as it is.

 * Hit Next>

Lets create another profile for the time when screen would be on using the same method as above.

* In "Turn this profile on when...", choose "Screen On/Off" and finally "Screen Off"

Hit Next>

* Set Max frequency to the max of your phone. In my case I am setting this to 1200
* And the lowest should be set as close to the lowest...
* Note that here we would be setting the CPU governor "ondemand" so that the CPU scales up quickly as required within the range specified.
* Do the other things as specified in the screenshot.

* Hit Next>
* Name the profile: "Screen on: H"
* Leave the profile as default.

Hit Next> to save the profile and make sure you enable both of the profiles.

"Powersave" would be activated when your screen is off and when on, the "Screen on: H" would be activated.


We are not setting the CPU too low in both the profiles. Setting CPU frequencies too low while processing intensive apps run would simply elongate the processing and keep the CPU more occupied. This would result in more battery consumption only.