Friday 30 March 2012

What is Defragmentation?

To understand the concept of defragmentation, let us first learn what is Fragmentation.


In simple language, when read-write processes takes place on disk, it is will cause breaking up of actual data into non-contiguous pieces.

Suppose we have a disk which can be pictorially represented as:


Now if we write a files A, B, C, D to this disk, space would be occupied as:


Say we now delete B and D from it. Now the space would look like:


Let us say now if we wish to store a file H (which is bigger) on this space. We will no other option than to write some data before aaaaaa, some parts after it and some parts after cccc. i.e.


Now if system has to read H fully, it will have to jump 3 times.

This will make your system slow and there will be more wear and tear of disk.


Defragmentation is a process which organizes non-contiguous data in such a way that it becomes contiguous. eg.


Regular defragmentation of disk is very important. There is an in-built utility in Windows to defragment the disk (Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools)

My favourite program for this purpose is Defraggler which is fast, efficient and above all FREE!

Enjoy your faster computer!

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