Tuesday 29 March 2016

Toplists provide you only junk traffic!

Why toplist concept can circulate only junk traffic

As is the concept, toplists keep your link higher according to the qualifying clicks you send them. First of all they have a stricter validation for the 'in' clicks but nearly no validation check for 'out' clicks. That means for your site the shown 'in' clicks would be too less but the 'out' clicks would always be overpowering- but actually junk.

Suppose there are sites listed on a 'conventional' toplist as:

Important thing to note here is that most people in toplists use misleading or adult titles to attract most 'out' clicks. Most toplists allow it.

Suppose, a user is sent at the toplist from F incrementing its 'in' clicks by 1 (only 1). B here has a super attractive and most wanted bad/illegal title '18+ Super models'. Sure, many people will click on this title in the toplist. But when the user arrives on some xyz.com linked to the title, he will find that there is no content on the site similar to the link title! As a result, the user will instantly press back button to arrive on the toplist page again. Note that B here gets an 'out' click registered but no gains!

Now the user will click on some other title, say E, and maybe the same happens this time! User clicks, does not get the claimed content, presses the back button to come to toplist again. This may happen with a user multiple times before the user gives up, cursing the fake content.

Note that in this flow F's in hits increased by 1 but the same user got registered as out for B, E etc.! That means a single 'in' click was shown multiple times in 'out' of others.

Another issue is that toplists have multiple pages. Normal users do not have time to visit all of them by pressing 'next' and 'prev' button under each page. That means a toplist cannot replenish clicks to sites on pages other than first. Ah, toplists discovered a weird way to solve this too. Mostly, they use a link on top with title such as 'Top downloads', 'Hot downloads' etc. Such titles lead to random sites in the toplist which have less 'out' clicks. Again the same would happen. User will click on the title; arrive at a site; dismayed by mismatch in title and the content, press the back button. Out click would be registered, but no use: No conversion!

Even if they do not themselves cheat
The toplist concept as such is unfair. For example if there are titles:
A. Beach model videos
B. Best PHP scripts
C. Selena Gomez Albums free!

Obviously A and C will attract much better traffic than B. Hence the toplist will not be able to replenish even 1x clicks in return to B when it is genuine.

You will see clicks coming to your site but most of those users will never go beyond the very first page of your site!

General logic: No site (or toplist) can generate its own clicks except from search engines, other listings, direct traffic or some other linking. A genuine and fair traffic exchange can return only nearly the same clicks as a site would send it. If some site claims to send you too much of traffic for your small contribution, it is sure to be a lie, a fraud, or a miscalculation.

How to know if a toplist is cheating?

In addition to ineffectiveness of the toplist concept, most of the toplists active today are actually cheating their users by hardcoding click count manipulation in their scripts. You can not exactly know how actually a toplist cheats. But you can easily detect foul play.

Suppose the following portion of main page of a popular toplist (actual titles hidden):

1.A 7203/62312
2.B 3583/25284
3.C 3001/17098
4.D 2890.5/18628
5.E 2511/22682
6.F 2505.5/17356
7.G 2360/10642

1. According to the logic, no one can generate its own clicks. So how A sent only 7203 clicks but got 62312 in return? If the toplist is genuine, it is unfair to others. Or if such stats are shown for nearly all sites in it, the toplist is a cheat!
2. Check D's stats. How the 'in' clicks are 2890.5 (LOL)? Can a site send 0.5 click? Probably a childish logic of dividing 'in' hits by 2! Cheat!
3. Check all the stats. Can you find even a single odd number 'out' clicks entry? No! That clearly shows the toplist is multiplying the 'out' hits either by 2 or multiples of 2! Cheat!
4. Finally, let us use some mathematics. For as many sites in a toplist as you can, add all the 'in' clicks and all the 'out' clicks separately. Here let us do the same only for the portion we are considering.

Wow! This toplist is amazing! Give them 24054 clicks and they will give you 174002 clicks back (7.2338x)! Where did the 149948 clicks come from? Does they have their own click generating factory? Seems like this toplist is cheating its users!

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