Wednesday 1 May 2013

Best Cloud Hosting (Togglebox Review)

I usually do not write reviews of any kind. But this one would be more of a 'Thank you' message to Togglebox.

I had been using one of the UK's best dedicated hosting providers. Well, they have been the best. No complaints against them. Resources are resources and we, most of the times, already know what we buy and how much performance we would get from it. The real tension comes in when in crisis: misconfiguration, server overload, network issues, 'superstitions' etc. In those times one needs a helping hand one one's shoulder to wade through the situations, in a right direction. To sum up, I am referring to Customer Support, of course. My previous company provided me that too, promptly whenever needed.

I have been very happy with their services. But my pocket was not. Their services were quite expensive so I had to find an alternative.

For several last months I have been looking for a suitable dedicated host as a replacement in order to:
1. Cut down recurring costs.
2. Upgrade the system resources to more powerful ones.
3. Shift my datacenter to US (US has better connectivity than any other country if one has global users)

So then, I had to Google, Google, Google and Gooooooogle my way...

My requirements overall have been:
1. Good amount of RAM/Memory.
2. Powerful multi-core processors.
3. As less disk space space as possible.
4. High speed network.
5. Good support which would be rarely but critically consulted with.
6. Reliability (everyone needs it)

When searching for a good hosting provider, Google can confuse a lot these days. Whoever offers you good system resources would be over priced. Even if you manage to get some too-good-to-be-true deals, reliability and support would be questionable.


After surfing hundreds of hosting providers I arrived on Togglebox. The quick attractions to hold me there was the easy scalability, reasonable prices and instant bubble chat for support. Later I realized that Togglebox provided me all those services which my previous host provided me at a very reasonable price.

After showing some typical consumer behavior, I finally signed up for a Togglebox Cloud Package. I was amazed at the almost instant setup!

The UI for management is very smooth and highly functional. I could easily allocate, divide and manage my resources. Also I can easily ssh into my server from the management panel. It is quite helpful in case server firewall bans my own IP during testing.

Togglebox's network is super fast and I never faced any issue till now. Also there have been no downtimes at all!

Another amazing quality of Togglebox is their Support Chat. They provide 24x7 support. Their staff are very friendly and well armed with knowledge and functionality to assist.

Togglebox's services are really very genuine. The best part is that you pay for only what you want and what you use! For an example, in my case I did not need much disk space so I deliberately kept it less.

Cloud infrastructure is truly a revolution. It saves you from conventional hardware failures especially like disk failures. So no data losses ever! Also the cloud would always perform very stable no matter what. Togglebox provides SAN storage which is many times faster than normal disk i/o. It surely makes the web sites superfast and highly available!

I would like to thank Togglebox and all their staff for their unmatched service and support. Especially I would like to thank Sam for having helped me when I was full of dilemma and despair. Sam, thank you for helping me with Nameservers, Mailserver, MX entries etc. You are one of the best assets of Togglebox. Also I would like to thank Rafael and Veer for having helped me with several issues I faced.

I would highly recommend Togglebox to anyone who needs highly performing resources, amazing network and superb 24x7 support through chat, all for a very genuine price.

Personal recommendation: If your site(s) do(es) not need a lot of disk space like me, shifting to Togglebox will highly cut down a big recurring cost.

1 comment:

  1. Cloud Hosting India is best suited for large traffic websites and portals. Many professional organizations are providing such hosting services and data center services to other small and large business organizations. Thanks for the interesting post.
