Friday 26 July 2013

Make your android phone's battery last longer!

Android devices are really powerful and the ability to multi-task in android seamless. On the other hand, it comes at a cost of high battery consumption! Well, that is one of the only negative points about using android. There are certain tips by which you may make your android phone's battery last longer than it normally would.

The key towards making your android phone's battery last longer is to reduce the burden of processing, memory and above all network (internet/data usage).

Disable features when not in use

From energy saving point of view, the features that literally eat away the battery are GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Mobile data. Do keep them all off unless you absolutely do not need them.

Uninstall useless or rarely used apps

Most of the apps create services in the background that would hog memory and waste CPU's power and consequently consume more battery power. You may uninstall such apps or if there are certain apps which you think you would need after some time, you may use an app called "App Backup and Restore" to create archives of the apps. You may uninstall those apps after archiving them. Those archives then then be restored later on when you need them.

Reduce the apps that may remain open in background.

Uninstall any apps that you think may remain open in background. Typical example for such apps is messenger apps like: Whatsapp, WeChat, LINE, Kik, Skype, Gtalk etc. Their services would be sitting in background checking and waiting for new messages, wasting your phone's resources and consuming network traffic. They tend to drain your battery very fast by being busy on network. You may reduce the number of such apps as much as possible by uninstalling them.

Reduce the use of live widgets and live wallpapers

Live widgets and live wallpapers consume much resources even while you're using your home screen or even when you wish to keep your device on standby.

Close apps after use

Make it a habit to close down any app which you are done using. You may do that simply by long pressing the 'home' key and swiping the app's thumbnail sideways.

Disable Transition animations

Animations do that considerable processing for generating and displaying the intermediate frames. You may disable the transition animations by going to:
Settings > Developer Options

Use Power Saving mode

The android devices are now-a-days equipped with powerful CPUs (which for sure wastes energy on standby or less-load times). Whenever you do not use any processing intensive apps, you should use the Power Saving mode which will make your phone work a bit slower but in a more energy efficient manner.

Use flight mode when battery is to be conserved for future.

Keep your android phone in Flight mode whenever you wish to conserve battery and when you can do without receiving calls or messages too. Or if at all you need to conserve the battery without any loss, switch off your phone and switch it back on when needed. 

Use battery extender apps like Du Battery saver.

There are quite a lot of apps available which will do all the cleaning and optimizing jobs on your phone to help you extend your battery backup time. Du Battery Saver is one good way to go.

I hope these tips would help you extend your battery backup time.

Please write your comments or additions to this subject. :)

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